The Differences Between Celebrating 420 in Your 20's vs Your 40's - Fucking Feisty

The Differences Between Celebrating 420 in Your 20's vs Your 40's

Creator: Pavel Danilyuk  |  Credit: Photo by Pavel Danilyuk Copyright: Pavel Danilyuk

Alright, let's take a deep dive into the differences between celebrating 420 in your 20's vs your 40's. 

When you're in your 20's, you're all about that high life. You're trying to get as high as possible, as fast as possible. You're hitting up every party, club, and festival in town, and you're not leaving until you're stoned out of your mind. You'll smoke anything and everything, eat every edible in sight, and take every dab you can get your hands on. It's a competition to see who can get the highest, and you're determined to win. 

But when it comes to the strains, you're all about trying the latest and greatest. You're not afraid to try anything, no matter how crazy or exotic it is. You've got no responsibilities, so you might as well live it up. And the consumption methods? Joints, blunts, bongs - you're not afraid to take a big hit and cough your lungs out. You're young and resilient, so you can handle it. 

Munchies; you're all about the junk food. Pizza, burgers, chips, candy - you name it, you'll eat it. You've got no cares in the world, so why not indulge? After all, you're in your 20's and you've got a metabolism that can handle anything. 

40 yr old couple smoking weed and relazing

Fast forward to your 40's, and things are a bit different. You've got bills to pay, a career to focus on, and maybe even some kids to take care of. You can't afford to be stoned out of your mind all day, so you've got to pace yourself. You're not trying to get as high as possible anymore, you're just trying to unwind and relax. Maybe you'll smoke a little, maybe you'll eat an edible, but you're not going overboard. 

When it comes to the strains, you're more selective. You know what strains work for you, and you're not wasting your time with anything else. You've got responsibilities now, so you can't afford to waste your time on something that's not going to get the job done. Maybe you'll even grow your own cannabis so you can have complete control over what you're smoking. 🌿

Consumption methods; you're more sophisticated now. You prefer vaporizers or edibles, something that won't harsh your buzz or make you cough like crazy. You've got a refined palate now, and you're not afraid to show it. Maybe you'll even invest in a high-end vaporizer or glass piece to really elevate your smoking experience. 

And the munchies? Well, you're more health-conscious now. You'll still indulge in a treat every now and then, but you're more likely to snack on some fruit or veggies instead. You've got a metabolism to maintain, after all. Plus, you're more aware of the importance of a balanced diet and you don't want to throw everything off track with a junk food binge. 

In your 20's, you're all about the latest and greatest hip-hop and electronic music. You want something that's going to get you hyped up and ready to party. But in your 40's, you're more likely to chill out to some jazz or classic rock. You've got a refined taste in music now, and you're not afraid to show it off. You'll put on some Miles Davis or Led Zeppelin and really vibe out. And if anyone questions your taste in music, you'll give them a history lesson on the evolution of jazz or the significance of classic rock. You're a connoisseur now, baby. 

couple on couch smoking weed

Don't forget about the activities! In your 20's, you're all about the party games. You'll play beer pong, flip cup, and any other game that involves drinking and getting wild. But in your 40's, you're more likely to engage in some more mature activities. Maybe you'll host a game night with some friends, or have a movie marathon. You're not trying to prove anything to anyone anymore, you're just looking for a good time. 

And of course, let's talk about the money. In your 20's, you're broke as a joke. You're living paycheck to paycheck, and you're not above scavenging for change to buy your next bag of weed. You're more concerned about having a good time than saving for the future. But in your 40's, you're more financially stable. You might even have a career in the cannabis industry, or have invested in some stocks. You're not going to blow your entire paycheck on weed anymore, but you're not afraid to splurge on some high-quality flower or edibles. 

Let's not forget about the alcohol. In your 20's, you're all about the hard stuff. Shots, mixed drinks, anything that's going to get you drunk as fast as possible. But in your 40's, you're more likely to enjoy a nice glass of wine or craft beer. You've got a more refined palate now, and you appreciate the taste and quality of a good drink. Plus, you're not trying to nurse a hangover all day anymore, so you're more cautious about what you're drinking. 

And let's talk about the company. In your 20's, you're all about hanging out with your friends and getting wild. But in your 40's, you're more likely to enjoy a quiet night at home with your significant other or family. You're not trying to impress anyone anymore, you're just looking for some quality time with the people you love. Maybe you'll even share a joint or some edibles with your partner, and enjoy a relaxing night in together. 

🌿 Overall, the differences between celebrating 420 in your 20's vs your 40's are pretty drastic. But that's okay, because it's a reflection of our changing priorities and values as we get older. So whether you're still partying like it's 1999, or enjoying a more mellow 420 celebration, just remember to do it in a way that makes you happy. Because at the end of the day, that's what 420 is all about. 


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